Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We made it!

We are here, we have made it. Praise God for His protection and provision through out our journey. Hard to believe we have come to the end of it. It does feel go to be here and we are looking forward to resting up. What an experience we have been through!

The last leg of our drive was pretty uneventful. Just some hot brakes from all the mountain driving. Driving in Tegucigalpa was crazy as ever but a familiar craziness so it wasn't bad. The weather is actually very nice here considering it is supposed to be the rainy season. Hope it continues at least until I get some roof repair done. Our house seems to be in pretty good shape all things considered. I thought it might look worse.

It was nice to unload our truck knowing we won't be loading it again for a long time. Our kids are excited to get settled in ( we are too).

Well I'm doing this at an internet cafe (minus the cafe) and we're all here and would like to be in our house instead. So I have to wrap it up. More on our grand adventure some other time.

We will probably be blogging only once a week until if and or when we get our own internet service. We hope to check our e-mail more often.

Thanks once more for all your prayers. We are humbled.