These beautiful volcanoes were in sight for a while as we drove in the morning. The one named "Volcan del Fuego" was shooting off puffs of steam every few minutes. Quite impressive.
We started our climb out of the lowlands towards Guatemala City. We encountered some trouble finding our way around the city. Lets just say we saw a bit more of the city than we were planning on. But with some fairly helpful directions we eventually got back on track.
Our last two hours of driving to Coban and San Pedro Carcha consisted mainly of an uphill climb. Eventually we topped out literally in the clouds. Very interesting scenery, definitly different from where we started out the day. The towns have more of a raw look to them and the indigenous people are dressed distinctively.
We arrived at Galen and Phyllis Groff's home around 4:00pm. We are having a good time of fellowship with them and learning a little more about their work with the Quechi Menn. Church. The Quechi are an indigenous Mayan people who live primarily in this part of Quatemala.
We thought about resting a full day here but we'll probably head back out on the road tomorrow.
Ali seems to be doing better. She still couldn't keep anything down this morning but she ate dinner and so far so good.
Here are the kids with Phyllis, thrilled to be doing something else besides riding in the truck!
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