Sunday, May 30, 2010

My son made my bed for me today while I was in the shower. It was a simple gesture, a fairly easy task, but it made me feel special. It made me feel loved.

Many times it's the little things, the seemingly insignificant acts that brighten our day the most, that lift us up.

Can we learn from a seven year old? Can we learn to think of others, to do something small, something simple in order to help someone else feel special, feel loved?

Saturday, May 22, 2010


God, I praise you. I worship you. You are my God, my King, my Lord, my All. You are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I worship you.

God, you are love. Help me choose your love. Help me choose your joy, your peace. Oh, God, help me choose to show your love to others. God, I want to love them as you love me, as you love them.

God, I am tired of feeling tired, feeling overwhelmed, feeling depressed. I choose to rest in you. I choose to allow you to have control of my life, of my wants, of my desire to control.

God, everyone I know is in your hands. It is not my job to change them, to control them, to make them into men and women of God. It is my job to love them, to show them you through my actions and my life and then give them room to choose you for themselves.

God, guide me, guide them. Help us all to see each other through your eyes, eyes of love and acceptance, not eyes of condemnation and accusation. Help us choose to embrace each other in spite of flaws and failures, reaching out in love in order to help and hold each other up rather than to point and push.

God, time and time again, you provide a way for me, a fallen sinner, to be redeemed and return to you. Help me choose to extend my hands, to lift up, to show that path to others instead of turning away in disgust or condemnation.

God, you are love. You love me. You love them. God, why don't I love them? God, help me choose to love and be love as you are love.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday, Zack!

Zack had been waiting for is birthday for weeks and had been counting down the days! He turned 7 on May 7th and started by opening some cards and gifts from us and friends at Metzler's Mennonite Church. Thank you to everyone who remembered Zack's birthday!

a banana car made by his sister, Ali, for art class at school...

Absolutely thrilled with his new jets, the only thing he had asked for...

Very pleased with all of his gifts...

Later Alonso, Michelle and family and Berta and family (Angel was sick) and some friends of Zack's all came for a doggie roast and birthday cake and birthday cookies made by his sister, Angelica.

Then on Saturday it was a trip to Teguc with dad. Can you guess what Zack's restaurant of choice was by looking at the following picture? :)

La Tardeada

Mari Elena, a friend of ours and a former volunteer here at the Finca for a number of years, came to visit for the 41st anniversary. Her education included children's ministry and she always has great ideas and things to do with the kids. While she was here this time she organized a "tardeada" or afternoon of fun and games. These events inevitably include a lot of water! And we also need food treats, as well. While there were events and contests for all ages, the youngest kids are always so cute trying their hardest to win and that's what I took pictures of this time... :)

Everyone waiting to receive their tokens so they can "buy" some treats.

Come and get it...

Trying out the double water fountain invented for and donated to the Finca.

It's Buch time...

Our friends, Jon, Kendra, Lauren and Jordan Buch, visited us from April 21st until the 28th. It was great having them here and they also blessed us with their help in getting ready for the Finca's 41st anniversary. We also visited Picacho Park, La Cumbre, and the river at Cantarranas. We all loved being able to share and spend time with our friends.

Monday, May 3, 2010

La Finca's 41st anniversary

The festivities started around 3:30 on Saturday, April 24th, in the church.

the choir sang...

some presented an interpretive dance...

and some put on a play about Jesus and Jarius' daughter.

There were many visitors: former residents of the Finca, friends of the Finca from Tegucigalpa and Valle, pastors from various churches in the area, even Claudia, the new mayor of Valle, came and presented a gift to Ernest and Doris Soady and thanked everyone for the part the Finca has in helping the community.

Then it was time for everyone to see the new comedor, have a ribbon cutting ceremony and enjoy a meal together.

We thank God for the 41 years he has given the Finca. We pray that God gives new vision and new strength for the plans he has for the futures of the children at la Finca de los Ninos. May God bless all who give of their time, their energy and their finances to help with the work here in Honduras. May God raise up more workers to help carry on the work that has been started and renewed strength for those already involved. May God's peace, joy and love flow out to the children and through the children to touch all of Honduras and the world.

Getting ready for the 41st anniversary

Many different people pitched in to help have the comedor project ready for the anniversary. All the workers who have been working hard from the beginning kept at it and put in several late evenings, as well. Also, Maria Elena came from Mexico to help sew curtains, make party favors, decorate the comedor, etc. Jon and Kendra Buch and family came from PA to visit us for a week and helped with electrical work, painting and food prep. Many of the finca kids helped paint, clean up, decorate, make food, etc. Ernest and Doris Soady and Doris' sister, Margery McDonald, also came for a week to join in the celebration.

Cleaning up construction debris...


finishing touches inside comedor...

washing tables and chairs for 200 people, and preparing food for that many, as well. The menu was chili con carne, tortilla chips, shredded cheese, carrots, apple crisp and ice cream.

peeling and slicing carrots...

chopping tomatoes...

greasing ten large pans for apple crisp...

peeling and coring the 150 apples.

Next post... the big day.