Wednesday, October 19, 2011

learning from experience

Then you will learn from your own experience how [God's] ways will really satisfy you.
Romans 12:2b (The Living Bible)

It's great, uplifting, rejuvenating to read of what God has done in others' lives, how he has renewed them, brought them out of pits of despair, taught them great things, worked through them to bless others. But it is even more gratifying, more inspirational when we see the work God has done in our own lives through the years.

"...from your own experience..." I don't believe this is a "once and done" thing. This is a continuous walking, learning, stretching thing. It is because of my own experience through the years that I can testify to "how his ways will really satisfy."

When I take the time to reflect, my own story of God's grace in this redeemed sinner's life can be my inspiration for today and tomorrow. And it can be used to help others, if I choose to share it.

"Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him!
How I've proved him o'er and o'er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust him more!"

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