Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ezekiel 37

Ezekiel 37:8b. (The Message) "But they had no breath in them."

Too many times, that is how I feel. I have bones, sinews, muscles, skin, but no breath, no life. I look like a person. I am a person, but I'm not alive. I go through the motions. I do what I have to do, but I have no breath.

God, come breathe on me, come breathe life. I want to have life, abundant life. Life overflowing, leaping, joyful.

God, I am trying to choose deep, abiding joy irregardless of circumstances and surroundings. God, I need your help. I need to see your heart, hear your voice. Oh God, "Come breath. ... Breathe life!" (Ezekiel 37:9b. The Message)

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