Monday, April 11, 2011

Moving Out and Moving On

Two months with live-in program participants have quickly come and gone. The young ECA ladies have all moved out, two (Mirna and Mirian) to the "big city" and one (Kelly) remaining here in small town Valle de Angeles. Danilo has hung around a bit longer helping to keep an eye on our place while we we traveling. But today we finally moved him out and into a place he's sharing with a friend. Their place is also fairly close by. Imagine moving with only a few boxes and bags. No need to rent a truck or call all your friends and neighbors to help. The down side, of course, is that even a rather small room can look pretty bare after the move-in. This is the "starting out" situation for our young people. It can be bit difficult to resist the urge to buy or give them what they don't yet have. Some of our planned financial assitance has helped them obtain a few basic items. But we hope they will appreciate their things more and take better care of what they get if they themselves are able to earn them.

Mirian (and Janelle) with a little housewarming gift

Mirna shows off her cilantro plants

A good start. Will they survive?

Kelly in her new residence.

In front of her room(s).

Danilo packing up with the help of his new roommate, Jose Luis.

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