Monday, January 9, 2012

friends and other things i found interesting... :)

Zack and some buddies playing soccer.

Isn't it my turn to lead, yet?

my best friend

Angelica an Ali with their friend, Mik.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

be careful

ALWAYS be careful...

you never know who's lurking about, watching and waiting...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas 2011

Thank you to everyone who blessed us with cards, notes and gifts this Christmas season. 
We love you!

After coming back from attending a church here in the pueblo on Christmas eve, we read the beginnings of the Christmas story in Luke 1 before going to bed that night. We read the rest of the Good News on Christmas morning. We thank God for his Gift to us, which also involved great sacrifice. May we be willing to sacrifice as we give to others.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



Thank you for your prayers and support for El Camino Adelante throughout 2011. We are grateful to the Lord for the work we were able to accomplish during the past year. We hope to soon provide you with a summary report of ECA activities in 2011. We are looking forward to how God will guide ECA in 2012 and the new people He will bring to this ministry. We currently have a young lady entering the program and at least one other person with a serious interest.

As we start this new year, we would like to again invite you to consider a gift to help fund this program of transition assistance for young people "at risk". God faithfully provided just the right amount of funds in 2011 to put the first four participants through the financial aid part of the program and we've been able to take on two more participants with funds on hand. The year 2012 will bring changes to ECA. One large one will be turning over day to day program responsibilities to a new director as the Horst family moves ahead with plans to return to the U.S. some time around the middle of the year. This move will likely increase ECA's operating budget as some expenses that were part of the Horst's missionary support are shifted to ECA's budget.

Thanks again for your help in bringing this vision to life! Please keep all of us with ECA in your prayers.

Blessings to you all in 2012!

Harlan and Janelle along with the ECA board of directors

Donation information:
Tax exempt contributions for
El Camino Adelante
can be made by way of check payable to:

The Second Tunic
with "support for ECA"
written in the memo line 
and mail to:

The Second Tunic
312 Clay Road
Lititz, PA 17543

The Second Tunic website
offers a Global PayPal donation option